Democracy is the foundation of AAKC governance. In its early days, AAKC functioned like most small medical groups where decisions were made in the hallway or over the phone. As the organization grew, AAKC developed a system to streamline corporate decision making, while retaining the belief in a democracy.
AAKC physicians elect a Board of nine voting physician members and—along with the ex-officio Chief Executive Officer—the Board is tasked with the responsibility for ongoing decision making for the practice. There is a committee structure that includes opportunities for the physicians and anesthetists to provide input to the Board and site-specific leaders also have a mechanism to voice their perspectives.
Meet our Board of Directors Meet our Administrative Team
Leadership Opportunities
AAKC encourages its members to actively participate in leadership activities and provides opportunities to gain training and education for leadership development. Past participation includes the American College of Physician Executives Physicians in Management programs, the ASA Practice Management Programs and education programs at The Wharton School and Kellogg Institute.
AAKC has a history of a strong presence on medical staffs, illustrated by many past Medical Staff Presidents and local and state specialty society leaders. AAKC believes that good medical staff and medical society citizenship is critical to our organization’s success.
AAKC business leaders have been involved in the leadership of the local, state and national Medical Group Management Association and its Anesthesia Administration Assembly subset.